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Rumor: AMD's new generation Zen 4 processors will enter production this month

Rumor: AMD's new generation Zen 4 processors will enter production this month

Rumor: AMD's new generation Zen 4 processors will enter production this month
Rumor: AMD's new generation Zen 4 processors will enter production this month

A few months separate us from acquiring the new generation Zen 4 processors from the technology giant AMD, the user who leaked many correct details in the past Greymon55 confirmed that this generation of processors will enter mass production in late April in preparation for its arrival on the market before the end of this year 2022.

Rumors indicate a big leap between these processors with a precision of 5 nm and the current generation Zen 3 processors with a 7 nm manufacturing accuracy from TSMC. The performance jump for instructions per cycle (IPC) may exceed 20-25%, and the new processors are supposed to support PCIe5 standard and DDR5 memory, and may also come with an integrated graphics processor iGPU like Intel processors. AMD has previously offered one of these processors and it works at a speed that breaks the 5GHz barrier on all cores.

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